Yang di Bali, mari merapat ke @cushcushgallery_bali.
@vifickbolang salah satu founder Indonesian Pinhole dan penggagas @rekammatahari akan berbagi cerita tentang hitam-putih seni fotografi lubang jarum / pinhole dan suryagrafi.
Repost @cushcushgallery_bali
You are invited to this month’s edition of CCG Discover!
In CCG Discover #22, we will be joined by Bali-based photographers, Gung Ama and Syafiudin Vifick.
Learn more about their creative process as photographers, particularly their journey and explorations in alternative photography and how it contrasts with the technology of photography today. The discussion will be moderated by academic / practitioner I Made Bayu Pramana.
CCG Discover #22: Kuno Kini Fotografi
with Gung Ama and Syafiudin Vifick
Moderator: I Made Bayu Pramana
Friday, 19 April 2024 | 19.00 WITA
At CushCush Gallery
Register for it here: bit.ly/CCGDiscover22 or via the link in our bio.
Profile photo courtesy of each speaker.
Ikuti sesi CCG Discover edisi bulan ini!
Di CCG Discover ke-22, kita kedatangan oleh fotografer berbasis Bali, Gung Ama dan Syafiudin Vifick sebagai pembicara.
Cari tahu tentang proses kreatif mereka sebagai fotografer, khususnya perjalanan mereka mendalami fotografi alternatif yang bertolak belakang dengan teknologi fotografi saat ini. Diskusi akan dimoderatori oleh akademisi I Made Bayu Pramana.
CCG Discover #22: Kuno Kini Fotografi
Bersama Gung Ama dan Syafiudin Vifick
Moderator: I Made Bayu Pramana
Jumat, 19 April 2024 | 19.00 WIB
@ CushCush Gallery
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